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Parent Council 2023/2024 Joint Chairs:  Stephen Crombie/ Nicola McLellan Secretary: Vacant (currently Stephen Crombie) Communications: Kate Gibson   Nursery                                Sarah Howie Primary 1                
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Priorsford Primary School PTA, as the fundraising arm of the Parent Council, is always looking at new ways of raising funds.   The PTA has recently gone through the process of obtaining Charitable Status and this opens up new fundraising possibilities. One of the simplest of 
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Upcoming Events: Next meeting – Thursday 23rd May 2024, in the Staffroom at 7 pm   Parent Council The main purpose of the Parent Council is to:- > support the school in its work with pupils and parents > represent the views of parents > promote 
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Minutes from the latest Parent Council Meeting are visible here together with minutes from previous Meetings held on the dates shown below; Latest Meeting   Previous Meetings
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