Parent Council

Upcoming Events:
Next meeting – Wednesday 5th February 2025, in the Staffroom at 6.30 pm
Parent Council
The main purpose of the Parent Council is to:-
> support the school in its work with pupils and parents
> represent the views of parents
> promote contact and encourage links between the school, parents, pupils, providers of nursery education and the community
> report back to the Parent Forum (all parents or carers)
As a parent/carer for a child or young person, you are automatically a member of the Parent Forum for your child’s school as per Government Regulations.
The Parent Council holds regular meetings, usually once a term, to which all parents are invited. Our Head Teacher and one or two other representatives from the teaching staff are normally in attendance.
There are currently up to 15 people who attend the Parent Council meetings when they are available. As well as a Chair and Secretary, each year group from Nursery through to P7 has at least one representative on the Parent Council.
If you would like to raise an issue or question for discussion at the Parent Council, please contact your year group representative as listed on the Parent Council page or contact us via email. Dates of the meetings are communicated on the school newsletter and reminders are usually sent out on Facebook with the agenda in advance of the meeting. All parents are welcome to attend. Minutes from these meetings are available on this website.
If you are interested in joining the Parent Council or have any issues to raise, please email us at:
Meeting Minutes
Other Documents