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School Bus

Scottish Borders Council (SBC) organises the school buses. Currently there are buses to and from Cardrona and Kailzie to Priorsford. Details of times and pick up stops are sent from SBC by post along with the child’s bus pass at the start of term. Please contact Scottish Borders Council Transport Department for full details of this service and how to obtain a bus pass. For insurance and safety purposes, children must have a bus pass issued by SBC, to travel on these bus services.

In the morning, the children are met at the school bus stop by our janitor and escorted into school. At the end of the school day, the children taking the bus home meet inside the school and are escorted to the bus by school staff. The children are not supervised by staff on the bus or before boarding the bus at Cardrona. Parents are responsible for their child’s safety and behaviour before they board the bus in the morning and once they arrive at their home stop at the end of the day. There are clear expectations that the children taking the bus behave in a safe, responsible and respectful way at all times on the bus to and from school.

If a child misses the bus at the end of the day, the school office will call the parent to come and collect their child.
