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Teaching & Learning


We aim to provide a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum which is relevant to the needs of our pupils. We will ensure that the principles of A Curriculum for Excellence – challenge and enjoyment; breadth; progression; depth; personalisation and choice; coherence and relevance underpin all of our curriculum work.

The curriculum is made up of four key contexts for learning:

1 – The ethos and life of the school as a community, where:

  • A positive climate of respect and trust is established within the school based on the vision and shared values of the school
  • Children are encouraged to contribute to the life of the school by taking on leadership responsibilities.

2 – Experiences and outcomes through learning in the 8 curriculum areas:

  • Languages, Mathematics, Expressive Arts, Religious and Moral Education, Sciences, Social Studies, Technologies and Health and Wellbeing


3 – Interdisciplinary learning

  • Projects where children can apply skills, knowledge and understanding from more than one curriculum area to promote deeper understanding and relevance in their learning.

4 – Personal achievement

  • Opportunities to recognise and share achievements beyond the classroom

The Curriculum for Excellence framework is divided into levels:

Level     Stage

Early      The pre-school years and P1, or later for some

First       To the end of P4, but earlier or later for some

Second To the end of P7, but earlier or later for some

The path most children are expected to follow through the levels reflects the stages of maturation of children and the changing ways in which they engage with learning as they develop. Some children will start learning at these levels earlier and others later, depending upon individual needs and aptitudes. The framework is designed to be flexible in order to permit careful planning for those with additional support needs, including those who, for example, have a learning difficulty and those who are particularly able or talented.

SBC Admissions Policy including Composite Class Policy (Updated 2024)

SBC Admissions Policy Update 2024 160.74 KB 11 downloads

SBC Learning Framework