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Our School

Presently the school roll is 390 pupils in 13 classes with a further 90 full-year places  in our Early Learning and Childcare (ELCC). Located in a brand new purpose-built nursery in our grounds, this opened in February 2021. The ELCC is an integral part of our school community and this close partnership working facilitates effective and smooth transition when the children move from nursery to Primary 1.

The school has a fantastic library of over 20,000 books that children access weekly. We have superb school grounds and continue to develop them to enhance learning in and through nature. Substantial landscaping and PTA funding have enabled us to build a climbing area, large sandpits, raised vegetable beds and a large polytunnel for children to enjoy planting, growing and harvesting produce. In addition, our PTA funds have enabled us to build two outdoor classrooms to allow classes to work outside regardless of the weather.

We have a leadership team comprising of a non-teaching headteacher; a non-teaching depute head; one part – time depute head and a principal teacher who leads in specific curriculum areas. There are Additional Needs Assistants who are allocated a range of whole school and individual pupil responsibilities. The children are also supported by a full-time Support for Learning teacher.

We have both a very supportive Parent Council and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) who play an active role in the life of the school and have provided much financial support for the school.