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Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The last PTA meeting was on  Tuesday 23rd January 2024 at 7pm in the school staffroom. 

PTA events  for 2023/2024

  • Autumn disco, Thursday 26th October 2023
  • Christmas Fayre, Thursday 30th November 2023
  • Spring disco, Thursday 25th April 2024
  • Summer Fayre, Saturday 11th May 2024

The PTA is the fundraising arm of the Parent Council, made up of parent volunteers and staff who organise fundraising activities to provide the school with the extra items for the benefit of all pupils. Only the school’s basic resource needs are funded by Scottish Borders Council, and as such, there are many resources and activities that these funds do not cover. For example, in recent years, the PTA have provided funding for an outdoor classroom, outdoor sandpits, funding support for the school garden, interactive whiteboards for classrooms, audio equipment, iPads, transport for trips, subscription costs to numeracy websites, the annual library software subscription and financial subsidy for Christmas parties as well as gifts for new P1s and departing P7s.

There are currently up to 20 PTA members, who have a range of time they are able to commit.

The PTA are always delighted to welcome new people, either as permanent members or for help at specific events. If you would like to volunteer to join the PTA or add yourself to the mailing list of volunteers for specific events, please email us at: 


**PTA Minutes**


PTA Minutes from 19.09.23 189.81 KB 12 downloads


**PTA Income/Expenditure Summary**




You might not always see or fully appreciate the efforts going on behind the scenes but we’d like to share with you a view of both the monies raised at PTA organised events and where those funds have been committed.


Priorsford Primary School PTA is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO), Scottish Charity number: SC047466